Oct 15, 2015

Bed Resting

So here I am finishing up week three of the ol' bed rest at home. It's really amazing how little I accomplish each day when compared to the school day. I guess that is the point of the whole "rest" in bed rest.

Things that I have done whilst gestating this baby over the past three weeks.

1. Watched nearly every season of Gilmore Girls. Let it be known that I am one episode away from finishing. (Having rewatched the entire show, I realize that there was ALOT I missed when I had originally watched the show. For example, Stars Hollow is perpetually stuck in the season of Fall just as Texas is perpetually stuck in Summer.)

2. Washed baby clothes. Again. And Again. And Again.  I used to be worried that we didn't have enough clothes for baby, but our water bill has clued me in to the possibility that perhaps I went overboard in the other direction.

3. Washed maternity clothes. Again. And Again. And Again. (My hospital bag has been packed since week 34 and every day I unzip it and choose something to wear. The next day I wash what was worn. It's a frustrating cycle.)

4. I awaken any time between the hours of 4 and 8 am. I kid you not. There's no sleeping in for this gestating momma. I've gotten to know insomnia well over the past few weeks.

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